
CFP -AUTUMN 2024 :https://pintersociety.com/call-for-papers/



Ø  Authors are requested to use the LLILJ Manuscript Template to format their manuscript.

Ø  The authors who wish to submit their papers in LLILJ are first strictly required to use the template file for the Blind Peer Review process. The papers which are not submitted in the given templates of LLILJ will not be taken into account for further editorial process. Links are given here:

  1. Download Template-  BLIND PEER REVIEW LLILJ .
  2. Download Template-  Cover Letter LLILJ .

For Submission guidelines visit-GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION


Lapis Lazuli- An International Literary Journal has been included in the following prestigious directories, databases and University libraries such as:

  • Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com)
  • J-Gate (http://jgate.in)
  • The Cite Factor (http://www.citefactor.org/)
  • Info Base Index (http://www.infobaseindex.com/
  • Ijindex (http://ijindex.org/)
  • Cosmos(http://www.cosmosimpactfactor.com/page/search_journals?search=lapis+lazuli&country=0&year=0&discipline=0)
  • International  Scientific Index, UAE (www.isindexing.com/isi/journaldetails.php?id=3447)
  • Directory of Research Journal Indexing (http://olddrji.lbp.world/JournalProfile.aspx?jid=2249-4529)
  • EJL Social Science Research Center Berlin.
  • University of  Saskatchewan, Canada (http://library.usask.ca/find/ejournals/view.php?id=2670000000263909)
  • Genamics JournalSeek(http://journalseek.net/cgi-bin/journalseek/journalsearch.cgi?field=issn&query=2249-4529)
  • Journal Guide (https://www.journalguide.com/)
  • World Cat (https://www.worldcat.org/title/lapis-lazuli-an-international-literary-journal/oclc/812220653)
  • Scientific Journal Impact Factor (http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=21776)
  • International Scientific Indexing (https://www.isindexing.com/isi/journaldetails.php?id=3447)
